"The First Step is to Believe You Can!"
Join the Team that is Motivating the Nation
This year, thousands of people will get healthy, lose the weight and learn skills allowing them to maintain successfully for life. Will you be one of those people? It's time to stop procrastinating and improve your health forever. Let us help you succeed. Soon you'll be as healthy as you have ever been. Get Motivated The Dean family of eight lost 501 lbs. together in one year. The following year they helped a group of about 100 lose 4,006 pounds. Now individuals and groups across 46 states are losing enormous amounts of weight. Don't worry if you are not motivated or have no willpower, we have an abundance of BOTH. The reason the program works is because we will hold you accountable long enough so you get good at this and it becomes a part of who you are. |
It's all about ACCOUNTABILITY, not fasting!

The rest of the diet and fitness industry is trying to come up with the next gimmick or catchphrase. Our approach is different. No gimmicks, no pills, no shakes, and no foods to buy. But it's more than that, there are also no upgrades, no platinum memberships and no up-selling of any kind.
Our program works because we spend our time helping YOU instead of selling. Ask any member and they'll tell you they have never received a single email selling anything. Plus, if you like healthy foods, then eat healthy foods. If you like junk food, you can eat that too. This program succeeds because we give you direction, provide unlimited help and then add REAL accountability. Accountability causes control and control causes MASSIVE SUCCESS!
Our program works because we spend our time helping YOU instead of selling. Ask any member and they'll tell you they have never received a single email selling anything. Plus, if you like healthy foods, then eat healthy foods. If you like junk food, you can eat that too. This program succeeds because we give you direction, provide unlimited help and then add REAL accountability. Accountability causes control and control causes MASSIVE SUCCESS!
After losing 98.5 pounds, this is the lowest I have been in 30 years. - Jennifer
Members are Succeeding in 46 States
In our local market we've won so many awards. But it doesn't matter where you live, if you want to get healthy, we can help. The success rate is the same regardless of where you live. You don't need a partner or a team and you definitely don't need to move to Omaha. All you need is to get off the couch and start.
Money-Back Guarantee
We are committed to your success, but if you don't like the program or our approach, you can cancel anytime with a simple 30 day notice. During the first 30 days, first-time members have an unconditional money-back guarantee. Who does that in dieting?
We can make this guarantee because our success rate is insanely high! We don't need to lock you into a long-term contract like other companies do, you'll stay because you want to. After all, why would you quit if you are losing weight, learning how to maintain and improving your health? Plus, we are able to do this for a lower cost than nearly anyone in the weight loss industry. Huge success, low cost, REAL accountability and unlimited help ... that's how it works! |